About Us

We dream big and get things done

Umoya’s journey started with a simple yet profound belief: We envision a world where every child with disabilities has access to play. We want to ensure that no child is left on the sidelines and that every child gets the chance to experience the thrill of scoring a goal, making a basket, or crossing the finish line.

We are a team of educators, sports scientists, physical educators, therapists, and sports coaches with a strong commitment and belief that EVERY child has the potential to succeed and excel. 

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Our Guiding '3C' Philosophy



Inspired by child’s natural love to play and for sports, our programs are specially curated for children with disabilities to provide holistic development by building their fundamental developmental skills, socio-emotional and life skills. Our program design team closely works with special educators, school leaders, therapists, and psychologists to understand the uniqueness of our children, their challenges and limitations that impact


Our trained adapted sports mentors embody empathy, equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge, and a mindset dedicated to training and coaching children with disabilities. With joy at the center of our programs, our team diligently implements specially curated initiatives in partner schools, championing inclusive and adapted sports, and promoting physical education in schools and communities


Foster inclusion by bringing together children and individuals, with and without disabilities, to break barriers, build friendships by hosting inclusive sports festivals, workshops and training

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