Sports forLeadership Development in Children with Disabilities

At Umoya, our specially designed adapted sports and play-based education programs aim to champion inclusive education as a cornerstone in empowering children with disabilities. Our holistic approach extends beyond the classroom, actively integrating sports to foster inclusion and support the National Education Policy (NEP). By actively engaging with both, children and teachers alike as crucial stakeholders, we create a collaborative environment where every child’s unique needs are met. 

Through sports, we drive a comprehensive developmental journey, equipping teachers with the tools to provide meaningful support and ensure inclusive success, while also directly empowering children with disabilities.

Our program offerings

Joy of Play (JoP)

Empowering children with disabilities

Umoya’s flagship program, Joy of Play, is a year-long, progressive sports and holistic education program designed and curated specially for children with disabilities.

Our adapted sports programs are designed for children with – 

  • Intellectual and Developmental Disorder
  • Locomotor Disabilities
  • Visual Impairment
  • Intellectual and Developmental Disorder
  • Locomotor Disabilities
  • Visual Impairment

The program’s unique pedagogy is integrated with 21st century and socio-emotional-skills with the aim to develop fundamental developmental skills while developing foundational skills of sports. Our team of adapted sports mentors and coaches implement these programs during the school hours as part of school curriculum.

Joy of Play is a multi-sport program where children learn the foundational skills of

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Athletics
  • Yoga
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Athletics
  • Yoga

Through the Joy of Play program in schools, we’ve not only fostered socio-emotional skills and enhanced physical and mental activity in children with disabilities but also cultivated role models and champions. Our children have developed their sports abilities and achieved success at national-level events, earning numerous accolades for their schools.

Ability spark

Equipping the teachers and parents

We partner with non-profit org and schools to enhance the capacity of teachers, spl educators to effectively design and implement inclusive play & sports programs as part of daily classroom learning for Children with Disabilities with the to scale best practices and build capacity in teachers to facilitate inclusive classrooms and make learning fun with purposeful play

Umoya conducts certification programs to equip teachers, physical educators, special educators, caregivers, and parents with easy-to-use tools and resources in the form of do-it-yourself videos, and lesson plans to create an empathic inclusive culture in classrooms for children to thrive

Transforming teachers into champions of Inclusive Play, driving the on-ground success of children with disabilities to beyond the playground, to the classrooms and beyond.

Empowering inclusive education

A path for inclusive and playful learning